does cfi do hair follicle test

Yes, CFI (Child and Family Investigator) does conduct hair follicle tests as part of their investigations in certain circumstances. Hair follicle testing is a method used to detect drug or alcohol use over an extended period, typically up to 90 days prior to the test. This type of testing provides a detailed and comprehensive analysis of an individual’s substance abuse history.

How Hair Follicle Testing Works

Hair follicle testing involves collecting a small sample of hair from the individual being tested. The sample is then sent to a laboratory where it undergoes a series of tests to determine the presence of drugs or alcohol. Here is an overview of how hair follicle testing works:

  1. Hair sample collection: A hair sample is obtained by cutting a small amount of hair from the back of the head, close to the scalp. The sample is typically around 1.5 inches long.
  2. Laboratory testing: The hair sample is treated to remove any external contaminants and then processed using specific techniques. The testing focuses on identifying the presence of drug metabolites or alcohol markers in the hair shaft.
  3. Analysis and interpretation: The results of the hair follicle test are interpreted based on the presence or absence of specific substances. The analysis provides information about the frequency and extent of substance use over the test period.

This comprehensive testing method is considered reliable and accurate, making it valuable in scenarios where historical substance abuse patterns need to be established.

When Hair Follicle Testing is Used by CFI

The use of hair follicle testing by CFIs is typically specified by the court or requested by one of the involved parties in a child custody dispute. It is used in situations where there are concerns about the substance abuse history of one or both parents. The results of hair follicle testing can provide evidence to support or refute these concerns, helping the court make informed decisions regarding the child’s best interests.

Benefits of Hair Follicle Testing

Hair follicle testing offers several advantages over other drug testing methods:

  • Long detection window: Hair follicle testing can detect substance use over a longer period compared to urine or saliva tests, making it useful for assessing historical substance abuse.
  • Difficult to cheat: Hair follicle testing is difficult to cheat or tamper with, providing more accurate results compared to other methods.
  • Easy sample collection: Collecting a hair sample is non-invasive and can be done quickly and easily.

These benefits contribute to the reliability and credibility of hair follicle testing in determining substance abuse patterns and ensuring the safety and well-being of children involved in child custody disputes.

Limitations of Hair Follicle Testing

While hair follicle testing has several advantages, it also has some limitations:

  • Timeframe of detection: Hair follicle testing can detect substances used up to 90 days prior to the test. However, it cannot determine the exact timeframe of substance use within that period.
  • External contamination: External contamination of hair from environmental factors or contact with substances can potentially affect the test results. However, laboratories usually account for this by applying rigorous protocols and controls.

It’s important to consider these limitations when interpreting the results of hair follicle testing.


In conclusion, CFI does indeed conduct hair follicle tests as part of their investigations in certain cases. Hair follicle testing provides a comprehensive analysis of an individual’s substance abuse history, offering valuable insights to the court in child custody disputes. Despite its limitations, hair follicle testing is widely recognized as a reliable and accurate method for detecting substance use over an extended period.