does urgent care do rsv testing

RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a common respiratory virus that can cause mild to severe illness, particularly in young children and older adults. If you suspect that you or your child may have RSV, you may be wondering if urgent care facilities offer RSV testing. The short answer is yes, many urgent care centers do offer RSV testing services. However, it’s important to note that not all urgent cares provide this specific testing, so it’s wise to call ahead to confirm.

RSV Testing at Urgent Care Centers

Urgent care centers are designed to provide immediate medical attention for non-life-threatening conditions, such as minor injuries and illnesses. While they may not have the capabilities for all types of testing, many urgent cares are equipped to perform RSV testing.

Benefits of RSV Testing at Urgent Care

Getting RSV testing at an urgent care facility offers several advantages:

  • Convenience: Urgent care centers typically have extended hours and are open on weekends and holidays, making it easier to get tested at a time that suits your schedule.
  • Fast Results: Urgent care centers often provide rapid RSV testing, which means you can receive your results within a short period, usually within a few hours.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to an emergency room visit, RSV testing at urgent care is generally more affordable. This can be particularly helpful for individuals without insurance coverage.

How is RSV Testing Done?

RSV testing at an urgent care center typically involves collecting a sample from the nose or throat. The healthcare provider may use a nasal swab or a small suction device to collect secretions for testing. The sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Interpreting RSV Test Results

The results of an RSV test will help determine whether you have an active RSV infection. The test may come back positive, negative, or inconclusive. Here’s what each result indicates:

RSV Test ResultInterpretation
PositiveA positive result means that RSV was detected in the sample, indicating an active infection.
NegativeA negative result means that RSV was not found in the sample, suggesting the absence of an RSV infection at the time of the test.
InconclusiveAn inconclusive result means that the test did not provide a clear result. Further testing or evaluation may be necessary.

When to Consider RSV Testing

RSV testing may be recommended in the following situations:

  • If you or your child have symptoms of RSV, such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, or difficulty breathing.
  • If RSV outbreaks are prevalent in your community or if there has been close contact with someone diagnosed with RSV.
  • If you or your child have a weakened immune system or pre-existing respiratory conditions, as RSV can pose a greater risk in these individuals.


Urgent care centers often offer RSV testing, providing a convenient and efficient option for individuals who require testing for this respiratory virus. However, it’s essential to contact your local urgent care facility beforehand to ensure they offer RSV testing services. RSV testing can help diagnose an active infection and guide appropriate treatment measures. If you suspect you or your child may have RSV, consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.