does target do background checks

When it comes to potential employers, many job seekers want to know if a background check will be conducted before they are hired. If you are considering applying for a position at Target, you may be wondering, “Does Target do background checks?” This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about Target’s background check process.

Target’s Background Check Policy

Target, like many other companies, recognizes the importance of ensuring a safe and secure working environment for its employees and customers. As such, Target does conduct background checks on prospective employees as part of their hiring process. These background checks are carried out to ensure the suitability and reliability of potential employees before they are offered a position.

Types of Background Checks Conducted by Target

Target conducts various types of background checks depending on the position you are applying for. The scope and depth of these checks may vary, but they typically include:

  • Criminal background checks: Target will search for any criminal records at the county, state, and federal levels to determine if you have been convicted of any crimes.
  • Employment verification: Target will verify your employment history to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on your application.
  • Education verification: Target may contact your educational institutions to verify your educational background and degrees earned.
  • Reference checks: Target may reach out to your listed references to gather additional information about your past performance and work ethic.

These checks help Target evaluate the potential risks and suitability of candidates, ensuring that they are hiring individuals who will contribute positively to their team.

Target’s Compliance with Legal Requirements

It is important to note that Target’s background check process is conducted in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. They adhere to guidelines established by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other relevant laws to protect the privacy and rights of job applicants.

In addition, Target also considers any relevant laws that may apply to specific locations. This means the background check process may vary slightly depending on the region where you are applying for a position at Target.

What Can Disqualify You from Employment at Target?

While Target does conduct background checks, having certain items on your background check report does not automatically disqualify you from employment. Target reviews each candidate on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as the nature of the offense, how long ago it occurred, and its relevance to the position you are applying for.

That being said, certain serious criminal offenses or dishonesty on your application may result in disqualification. Each situation is evaluated individually, and Target takes into account various factors before making a final decision.

The Importance of Being Honest

When going through Target’s background check process, it is crucial to be honest and upfront about any past incidents or discrepancies. Providing accurate information and being transparent can help build trust with the hiring team and showcase your integrity. Trying to hide or lie about your background may result in immediate disqualification from the hiring process.


In conclusion, if you are considering applying for a job at Target, it is important to be aware that Target does conduct background checks as part of their hiring process. These checks include criminal background checks, employment and education verification, and reference checks. However, having certain items on your background check report does not automatically disqualify you from employment. Target reviews each candidate on an individual basis, considering various factors before making a final decision. So, be honest and upfront during the application process and let your qualifications, skills, and attitude shine through.