does shop pay do a credit check

When it comes to using Shop Pay for your online purchases, one question that often arises is whether Shop Pay conducts a credit check. Let’s explore this topic and shed some light on the credit check process of Shop Pay.

How Does Shop Pay Work?

Before diving into the credit check aspect, it’s essential to understand how Shop Pay operates. Shop Pay is an accelerated checkout option offered by Shopify, a leading e-commerce platform. It allows customers to save their shipping and payment information securely, making the checkout process faster and more efficient.

Now, onto the main question: does Shop Pay do a credit check? The answer is both yes and no, depending on the situation.

When Shop Pay Conducts a Credit Check

In certain instances, Shop Pay may require a credit check. Here are a few scenarios where this might occur:

  • Large Purchases: If you are making a significant purchase, Shop Pay may conduct a credit check to ensure the transaction is secure and to protect both parties involved.
  • New Accounts: When you create a new Shop Pay account, there is a possibility of a credit check, especially if you are linking it to a financing option like Shop Pay Installments.
  • Payment Plan Requests: If you opt for a payment plan, Shop Pay may need to verify your creditworthiness, which might involve a credit check.

Please note that these credit checks are typically soft inquiries, which do not have a significant impact on your credit score. Soft inquiries are different from hard inquiries, which occur when you apply for credit directly with a financial institution.

When Shop Pay Does Not Require a Credit Check

In many cases, Shop Pay does not conduct a credit check. Here are some situations where a credit check is not necessary:

  • Regular Purchases: If you are making regular purchases through Shop Pay, without utilizing any financing options, a credit check is unlikely.
  • Stored Payment Methods: If you have already linked a credit card or payment method to your Shop Pay account, and you are not applying for any additional credit, there is generally no need for a credit check.

A Comparison: Shop Pay vs. Traditional Credit Card Payments

To provide further clarity, let’s compare Shop Pay with traditional credit card payments regarding their credit check requirements:

Shop PayTraditional Credit Card Payments
Credit CheckMay be required in specific situationsGenerally required for new credit applications
Impact on Credit ScoreSoft inquiry, minimal impactHard inquiry, may impact credit score

As seen in the comparison, Shop Pay’s credit check requirements are generally less stringent compared to traditional credit card applications.


So, does Shop Pay do a credit check? The answer is yes, in certain circumstances. Shop Pay may conduct a credit check for larger purchases, new accounts, or when payment plans are involved. However, for regular purchases and stored payment methods, a credit check is usually not necessary. Understanding the credit check process of Shop Pay can help you make informed decisions while utilizing this secure and convenient checkout option for your online shopping needs.