does library do notary

If you’re wondering whether your local library offers notary services, you’re not alone. Many people turn to libraries for various needs, from borrowing books to accessing technology. In recent years, libraries have expanded their services to meet the demands of their communities, and notary services are now often included. So, does the library do notary? Let’s delve into this question and explore the availability of notary services at libraries.

The Role of Libraries as Community Hubs

Libraries have evolved beyond being mere repositories of books to becoming community hubs that provide various services. They aim to meet the diverse needs of their patrons. Being accessible and conveniently located, libraries are well-positioned to offer notary services to the public. Many libraries have recognized the importance of providing this service and have taken the necessary steps to ensure it is available.

Availability of Notary Services at Libraries

Although not all libraries offer notary services, more and more are recognizing the demand and choosing to provide them. Here are a few ways libraries make notary services available:

  • Partnering with local notaries: Some libraries establish partnerships with local notaries who visit the library at scheduled times to provide notary services to library patrons.
  • On-site notaries: Certain libraries employ their own notaries who are available during specified hours to assist patrons with notarization.
  • Mobile notary services: In some cases, libraries hire mobile notary services to come to the library and assist patrons who require notarization.

This table provides a snapshot of libraries and their notary services availability in selected cities:

City Library Notary Services Availability
New York City Central Library On-site notaries available
Los Angeles Public Library Partnered with local notaries
Chicago Citywide Libraries Mobile notary services

Notary Services Guidelines

When utilizing notary services at libraries, it’s important to be aware of some general guidelines that may apply. These guidelines can vary from library to library, so it’s recommended to reach out to your local library for specific information. Here are some common guidelines:

  1. Appointment required: Libraries may require appointments for notary services. This helps ensure that a notary will be available when you visit.
  2. Identification: You will need to provide valid identification documents, such as a driver’s license or passport, to verify your identity.
  3. Witness requirement: Depending on the document being notarized, you may need to bring your own witnesses or request assistance from library staff.
  4. Notary fees: Libraries may charge a nominal fee for notary services to cover administrative costs.

Library Notary Services: Benefits and Limitations

Now that we’ve explored the availability of notary services at libraries, it’s worth considering the benefits and limitations of utilizing these services:


  • Convenience: Libraries often have flexible hours and convenient locations, making it easier for you to access notary services.
  • Cost-effective: Library notary services commonly have lower fees or may be offered free of charge compared to private notaries.
  • Community connection: Utilizing notary services at libraries fosters a sense of community engagement and supports the local library.


  • Availability: Not all libraries offer notary services, so it’s important to check with your local library beforehand.
  • Specific requirements: Libraries may have specific guidelines or limitations regarding the type of documents they can notarize.
  • Wait time: Depending on the library’s popularity and resources, there may be a wait for notary services, especially during busy periods.

In conclusion, while not all libraries offer notary services, many have recognized the demand and strive to make these services available to their patrons. Libraries play a vital role in their communities as multifunctional hubs, and notary services are just one of the many valuable services they provide. When in doubt, reach out to your local library to inquire about the availability and guidelines for notary services.