does kdp do spiral bound

For authors looking to self-publish their books, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a popular platform to consider. It allows authors to easily publish their works and make them available to a wide audience. However, one question that often comes up is whether KDP offers spiral bound options for printed books. In this article, we will explore this question and provide a comprehensive answer.

Print Formats Offered by KDP

When it comes to print formats, KDP primarily offers two options: paperback and hardcover. These formats cater to the vast majority of self-published authors and provide a professional and polished look to their works. However, spiral bound books, which are popular for workbooks, journals, and other interactive publications, are not currently offered by KDP.

Why Spiral Bound Books Are Not Available on KDP

While KDP offers a wide range of features and services for authors, the absence of spiral bound books is due to certain limitations. Spiral binding involves a different production process that requires separate machinery and techniques. Since KDP aims to streamline the self-publishing process and maintain cost-effectiveness, offering spiral bound books may not be feasible at present.

One reason for this limitation is the printing technology utilized by KDP. The high-speed inkjet printers used by KDP are optimized for the production of paperback and hardcover books. Creating spiral bound books would require the investment in additional equipment and resources, which could impact the affordability and accessibility of the platform.

Alternative Options for Spiral Bound Books

While KDP does not currently offer spiral bound books, there are alternative options available for authors who prefer this format. Here are a few alternatives to consider:

  • Local Print Shops: Many local print shops have the capability to produce spiral bound books. Authors can inquire about their services, compare pricing and quality, and select the print shop that best suits their needs.
  • Self-Publishing Platforms: Other self-publishing platforms, such as Lulu and Blurb, offer spiral bound book options. Authors can explore these platforms and determine if they align with their publishing goals.
  • Print-on-Demand Services: Some print-on-demand services specialize in spiral bound books. These services often provide a variety of customization options and can be a great alternative for authors seeking a spiral bound format.

By considering these alternatives, authors can still achieve their desired spiral bound format even if it is not available through KDP.

Comparing Print Formats: Paperback vs. Spiral Bound

CriteriaPaperbackSpiral Bound
FlexibilityLess flexible, especially for workbooks needing to lie flatHighly flexible, allows for easy writing and note-taking
DurabilityModerate durability, suitable for most booksLess durable, spiral binding can be susceptible to damage
AppearanceProfessional and sleekCasual and practical
CostTypically lower costHigher cost, due to additional production requirements

It is worth noting that while spiral bound books offer unique advantages, paperback books have their own benefits as well. Depending on the nature of the book and the author’s goals, one format may be more suitable than the other.


While KDP is an excellent platform for self-publishing, it does not currently offer spiral bound books in its print format options. This is due to the limitations of the printing technology used by KDP and its focus on providing streamlined services to authors. However, there are alternative options available to authors seeking spiral bound books, such as local print shops, other self-publishing platforms, and specialized print-on-demand services. By considering these alternatives, authors can still publish their works in the desired spiral bound format and cater to their audience’s needs.