does dollar general do wic

Dollar General is a popular discount store with numerous locations across the United States. Many individuals and families rely on the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program for assistance with nutritional needs. However, it is essential to understand whether Dollar General accepts WIC. In this article, we will explore the details of whether Dollar General participates in the WIC program and how it can benefit eligible individuals.

What is the WIC Program?

The WIC program is a federal assistance program in the United States that provides supplemental nutrition support to low-income pregnant women, postpartum women, infants, and children under the age of five. The program aims to improve the health and well-being of these vulnerable groups by ensuring access to nutritious foods, nutritional education, and healthcare referrals.

Benefits of the WIC Program

The WIC program offers several benefits to eligible participants, including:

  • Monthly food packages: Approved participants receive a monthly food package tailored to their specific needs. These packages typically include items such as milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and baby formula.
  • Nutritional education: Participants have access to educational resources and counseling sessions that provide guidance on healthy eating, breastfeeding support, and overall wellness.
  • Healthcare referrals: WIC facilitates referrals to healthcare providers, ensuring that participants receive necessary medical and immunization services.
  • Support for breastfeeding mothers: WIC provides assistance, counseling, and resources to encourage and support breastfeeding among eligible mothers.

WIC and Dollar General

Unfortunately, Dollar General does not participate in the WIC program. This means that you cannot use your WIC benefits to purchase eligible items at Dollar General stores. The program is accepted at various authorized retailers, but Dollar General stores do not meet the criteria for participation.

It is important to note that the approval of retailers to accept WIC benefits depends on various factors, including the availability of nutritious foods, competitive pricing, and adherence to program guidelines. While Dollar General may not currently accept WIC benefits, it does offer affordable prices on a wide range of everyday products.

Other WIC-Authorized Retailers

If you are a WIC participant looking to redeem your benefits, there are numerous other authorized retailers where you can do so. Some common examples of WIC-authorized retailers include:

  • Grocery stores: Many national and local grocery store chains participate in the WIC program, allowing participants to purchase eligible items using their benefits.
  • Supermarkets: Supermarkets with a designated WIC section or participating in the program enable participants to shop conveniently for WIC-approved products.
  • Pharmacies: Certain pharmacies may accept WIC benefits for the purchase of specific items, such as infant formula or prescription baby food.
  • Farmers’ markets: Some farmers’ markets collaborate with the WIC program, providing a wide selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other locally sourced products.

It is advisable to consult the official WIC website or contact your local WIC office to find authorized retailers near you that accept your benefits.


While Dollar General is a renowned discount store offering affordable products, it does not currently accept WIC benefits. However, there are numerous other authorized retailers where WIC participants can redeem their benefits. It is essential to explore alternative options and identify participating stores in your area to ensure you can make the most of the WIC program’s benefits.