does do not disturb send calls to voicemail

Do Not Disturb (DND) mode on your phone is a useful feature that allows you to silence incoming calls, notifications, and alerts. But what happens to these calls when your phone is in DND mode? Does it send them directly to voicemail? Let’s find out the answer to this common question.

Understanding Do Not Disturb Mode

Do Not Disturb mode is designed to give you control over the notifications and interruptions you receive on your phone. When you enable DND mode, it mutes all incoming calls, messages, and app notifications to ensure uninterrupted quiet time or focused work. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the calls are automatically redirected to your voicemail. The behavior may vary depending on your device settings and preferences.

Call Handling Options in DND Mode

In DND mode, you have several options to customize how your phone handles incoming calls. These options can differ slightly depending on your device’s operating system (iOS or Android) and your phone’s manufacturer. Let’s explore the common call handling settings you may come across:

  1. Allow Calls From: This setting allows you to specify certain contacts or groups whose calls can come through even when your phone is in DND mode. By default, repeated calls from the same person within a short period are also allowed through, in case of emergencies.
  2. Silence: When enabled, this option ensures that your phone rings or vibrates for only the allowed calls and notifications, while muting all others. The calls not meeting the criteria you set will be silently blocked.
  3. Send to Voicemail: Some devices provide an additional option to send all calls directly to voicemail when in DND mode. If you enable this option, any calls that don’t meet the specified criteria will be forwarded to your voicemail without your phone ringing or vibrating.

To make sure your phone sends calls to voicemail in DND mode, you need to enable the “Send to Voicemail” option if available. Otherwise, the calls will be silently blocked or diverted based on your settings.

How to Access and Adjust DND Settings

To access the Do Not Disturb settings on your phone:

  1. On Android devices, go to Settings, then Sound or Sound & Vibration, and find Do Not Disturb options.
  2. On iPhones, navigate to Settings, then Do Not Disturb, where you can adjust the DND preferences.

Remember to check the specific settings and options available on your particular device, as they can vary.

Comparing DND Mode across Devices

DND mode features can differ slightly between iOS and Android devices, as well as across different phone manufacturers. To provide a clearer understanding, here’s a table that summarizes the behavior of DND mode for calls across a few popular devices:

Device Behavior in DND Mode
iPhone (iOS) By default, calls are silenced, but they will ring again if the same person calls within three minutes. You can enable the “Repeated Calls” option to activate this behavior.
Samsung Galaxy (Android) Calls will be silenced, but if the same person calls multiple times within 15 minutes, the second call onwards will ring. This can be adjusted in the DND settings.
Google Pixel (Android) The default behavior is to silence calls, but you can configure it to allow calls from specific contacts or starred contacts to ring. You can also enable the “Repeat callers” option.

Note that these examples are just a few illustrations, and the behavior of DND mode may vary on other devices.


While enabling Do Not Disturb mode on your phone can help you avoid interruptions, the behavior of incoming calls can differ depending on your device settings. By understanding the available call handling options and adjusting them accordingly, you can choose whether calls are silently blocked, sent to voicemail, or allowed from specific contacts. Remember to check your device’s settings to ensure your preferred call handling behavior in DND mode.