does crete carrier do hair test

Crete Carrier is a reputable trucking company that prioritizes safety and compliance. One crucial aspect of ensuring safety is conducting drug and alcohol tests on their employees. Many individuals who are considering a career with Crete Carrier may wonder if they perform hair tests as part of their drug screening process. Let’s delve into this topic to provide you with a clear understanding.

Overview of Crete Carrier’s Drug Testing Policy

Crete Carrier has a strict drug testing policy designed to maintain a drug-free work environment and ensure the safety of everyone involved. As part of their comprehensive screening process, Crete Carrier conducts pre-employment drug tests, random drug tests, post-accident drug tests, and reasonable suspicion drug tests. These tests are primarily urine-based, which allows for efficient and accurate results within a reasonable timeframe.

Explanation of Hair Testing as a Drug Screening Method

Hair testing is an alternative method of drug screening that analyzes a small sample of hair to detect the presence of drugs in an individual’s system. This type of testing has gained popularity due to its longer detection window compared to urine tests, as drugs can be detected in hair for up to 90 days after use. However, hair testing requires specialized laboratories and tends to be a more expensive option.

While hair testing is more comprehensive in terms of detection window, it is not widely used as a standalone method for drug screening due to several factors:

  • Expense: Hair testing is more costly than urine testing, making it less feasible for large-scale screening.
  • Processing Time: The analysis of hair samples takes longer than urine tests, prolonging the hiring process and potentially delaying fleet operations.
  • Accuracy and Consistency: Hair tests can sometimes yield false-positive results or be affected by external factors like hair treatments or exposure to second-hand drugs.

Crete Carrier’s Use of Hair Testing

Based on available information and industry standards, Crete Carrier does not currently utilize hair testing as part of their drug screening process. They prioritize efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness by primarily relying on urine tests. This approach allows them to promptly identify any potential drug use among their employees without unnecessary delays or added expenses.

Comparison of Drug Testing Methods

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the different drug testing methods available and their characteristics, let’s compare hair testing and urine testing through a table:

Drug Testing MethodDetection WindowCostProcessing TimeAccuracy
Hair TestingUp to 90 daysMore expensiveLonger processing timePotential for false positives and external factors
Urine TestingUp to a few daysMore affordableQuick processing timeReliable and widely accepted

Additional Considerations

It’s important to note that companies can modify their drug testing policies over time. While Crete Carrier does not currently employ hair testing, it is always advisable to consult the most up-to-date information directly from the company or their official sources.

Closing Thoughts

By prioritizing the safety of their employees and the public, Crete Carrier implements a robust drug testing program. While hair testing may provide a longer detection window, it appears that Crete Carrier currently relies on urine testing to maintain efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. Understanding the drug testing methods used by potential employers can help individuals make informed decisions about their career choices and ensure compliance with company policies.