does averitt do hair test

Yes, Averitt does conduct hair tests as part of their drug testing process. Hair testing is a reliable method used by many companies, including Averitt, to detect the presence of drugs in an individual’s system. It provides a longer detection window compared to urine or saliva tests, making it an effective tool for identifying drug use over a longer period of time.

What is hair testing?

Hair testing is a drug testing method that involves analyzing a small sample of hair to determine if an individual has used drugs. It is considered a non-invasive and accurate way to detect drug use, as it can reveal drug metabolites that are deposited into the hair follicle through the bloodstream. Hair testing can typically detect drug use over the past 90 days, making it a valuable tool for employers in ensuring a drug-free workplace.

How does hair testing work?

The process of hair testing involves the following steps:

  1. Sample collection: A small sample of hair is collected from the individual being tested, usually from the back of the head or another inconspicuous area.
  2. Sample preparation: The collected hair sample is washed to remove any external contaminants that might interfere with the test results.
  3. Analysis: The prepared hair sample is then subjected to laboratory analysis, where it is screened for the presence of specific drugs or their metabolites.
  4. Confirmation: If the initial screening test indicates the presence of drugs, a confirmatory test is conducted to ensure the accuracy of the results.
  5. Reporting: The final test results are provided to the employer or relevant authority, indicating whether the individual’s hair sample tested positive or negative for drug use.

Advantages of hair testing

Hair testing offers several advantages over other forms of drug testing methods:

  • Extended detection window: Hair testing can detect drug use over a period of up to 90 days, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of an individual’s drug history.
  • Difficult to cheat: It is difficult to tamper with or adulterate a hair sample, making hair testing a more reliable indicator of drug use compared to urine or saliva tests.
  • Non-invasive: Unlike some other drug testing methods, hair testing is a non-invasive procedure that does not require the individual being tested to provide a urine or blood sample.
  • Provides comprehensive results: Hair testing can detect a wide variety of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opioids, and more.

Limitations of hair testing

While hair testing is a valuable tool in drug testing, there are a few limitations to be aware of:

  • Timeframe: Hair testing can only detect drug use that occurred within the past 5-7 days prior to the hair sample being collected. It may not be effective in detecting very recent drug use.
  • External contamination: In some cases, external factors such as environmental exposure or secondhand drug smoke can result in false positives in hair testing. However, confirmatory testing can help to minimize the risk of false results.


In conclusion, Averitt does perform hair tests as part of their drug testing process. Hair testing is a reliable and accurate method for detecting drug use over an extended period of time. It offers several advantages such as the ability to detect a wide range of drugs and a longer detection window. However, it is important to consider the limitations of hair testing, including its timeframe and the potential for external contamination. Overall, hair testing plays a crucial role in maintaining a drug-free workplace and ensuring the safety of employees.