does athleta do free hemming

Athleta is a popular athletic apparel brand known for its high-quality activewear. Many customers wonder if Athleta offers free hemming services for their clothing items. In this article, we will explore whether Athleta provides free hemming and delve into other related topics to help you make an informed decision about your clothing alterations.

Understanding Hemming

Hemming is a sewing technique used to finish the raw edge of a fabric. Clothing items are often hemmed to create a clean and polished look while also preventing fraying and unraveling. Hemming is commonly done to adjust the length of pants, dresses, skirts, and sleeves to better suit an individual’s height and preferences.

The Hemming Services Offered by Athleta

Although Athleta is known for its exceptional customer service, unfortunately, free hemming is not a service they currently offer to their customers. If you require hemming for any Athleta clothing item, you would need to explore other options. However, don’t be disheartened, as there are several alternatives available to ensure your Athleta apparel fits you perfectly.

Alternatives for Hemming Athleta Clothing

If you have purchased an Athleta item and need hemming, here are some alternative options you can consider:

  • Local Tailor: Find a reputable tailor in your area who can expertly hem your Athleta clothing. They can customize the length according to your desired measurements and ensure a professional finish.
  • DIY Hemming: If you are handy with a needle and thread or own a sewing machine, you can attempt to hem your Athleta clothing yourself. There are numerous online tutorials and guides available to assist you in achieving accurate and clean hems.
  • Friends or Family with Sewing Skills: If you have someone in your circle who possesses sewing skills, you may ask them for assistance in hemming your Athleta garments. This option can be cost-effective and ensure your clothes are tailored to your specifications.
  • Other Clothing Alteration Services: Research local alteration services that offer hemming for athletic apparel. These establishments often have experience with sports clothing materials and can provide reliable alterations for your Athleta items.

To find the best option for your needs, consider factors such as cost, convenience, and the desired outcome. Each alternative has its advantages, so choose the one that suits you best.

Cost Considerations

When exploring alternative options for hemming your Athleta clothing, it’s important to consider potential costs. Here is a basic overview of the potential costs associated with hemming:

OptionAverage Cost Range
Local Tailor$10 – $30 per garment
DIY HemmingCost of sewing supplies (thread, needles, etc.)
Friends or FamilyPotentially no cost or a small gesture of appreciation
Other Alteration ServicesCost varies, seek local pricing

Please note that these costs are approximate and can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the hemming required, the location, and the specific tailor or alteration service.


While Athleta does not currently offer free hemming services for their clothing items, there are alternative options available to ensure your Athleta apparel fits you perfectly. Whether you choose to visit a local tailor, attempt DIY hemming, seek help from friends or family, or explore other alteration services, you’re sure to find a solution that suits your needs and preferences. Keep in mind the potential costs associated with each option and select the one that fits your budget. Enjoy your Athleta clothing, tailored to perfection!