does adidas do animal testing

Adidas, one of the leading global sportswear brands, has gained popularity for its trendy designs and high-quality products. As consumers become more conscious about the ethics behind the brands they support, the question arises: Does Adidas participate in animal testing? Let’s delve into this topic to uncover the truth behind Adidas’ practices.

Adidas’ Animal Testing Policy

Adidas is strongly committed to animal welfare and follows a strict policy against animal testing. The company firmly believes that animals should not suffer for the development or production of their products. As part of their policy, Adidas has implemented a comprehensive set of guidelines and regulations to ensure that no animals are harmed during their operations.

Adidas’ animal testing policy applies not only to their final products but also extends to their ingredients and components. They actively seek out alternative testing methods that do not involve animals, such as in vitro testing, computer modeling, and other advanced technologies. By utilizing these innovative techniques, Adidas aims to prioritize animal welfare without compromising on product safety or quality.

The Benefits of Alternative Testing Methods

By embracing alternative testing methods, Adidas demonstrates their commitment to both ethical practices and scientific advancements. These innovative approaches provide numerous benefits over traditional animal testing, including:

  • Eliminating animal suffering: Alternative testing methods avoid subjecting animals to potentially harmful procedures.
  • Increased accuracy: Advanced technologies offer more precise data, improving the reliability of test results.
  • Ethical considerations: Alternative methods align with the ethical values of consumers who seek animal-friendly products.
  • Faster results: Non-animal testing methods often provide quicker results, allowing for more efficient product development processes.

By adopting these alternative techniques, Adidas actively contributes to the advancement of the entire industry, inspiring other brands to follow suit in their commitment to animal welfare.

Transparent Supply Chain

Adidas recognizes that ensuring their products are cruelty-free requires more than just eliminating animal testing in their laboratories. It extends to their entire supply chain. To maintain transparency and accountability, Adidas collaborates closely with their suppliers. They enforce strict requirements that suppliers must adhere to, ensuring no animal testing or cruelty takes place at any stage of production.

To provide consumers with peace of mind, Adidas actively audits their suppliers to ensure compliance with their animal welfare guidelines. This meticulous monitoring enables Adidas to maintain their commitment to cruelty-free practices and reassure consumers of their ethical manufacturing processes.


In conclusion, Adidas does not participate in animal testing and has a robust policy against it. With a firm commitment to animal welfare, Adidas utilizes alternative testing methods and implements strict guidelines throughout their supply chain. By prioritizing ethical practices and embracing scientific advancements, Adidas sets an example for the industry and caters to the growing demand for cruelty-free products. As consumers, we can confidently support Adidas, knowing that their products align with our values and principles.